You Disciple Everyone Except…

June 26, 2024

Someone has said that “the gift of giving is the least exercised spiritual muscle in the Body of Christ.”

There are high-capacity givers in your church just waiting to be asked to make a transformational financial gift to your church’s vision. The main reason they have not made such a gift is because no one has asked! But, be assured, some para-church ministry or community organization (with whom they have far less emotional and spiritual connection) is ready and eager to ask them and will likely receive a major gift from them. It happens all the time.

You are probably saying: “I’m not a fundraiser.” You do not have to be! You just need to have a personal relationship as well as the willingness to spend some time in preparation.

What’s the problem? Why don’t more pastors pursue a ministry of discipling their high-capacity givers? Our experience is that it comes from lack of knowledge, or fear of the process, or both. Pastors don’t want to be accused of showing favoritism to someone because of their wealth.

It doesn’t have to be this way!

There are actionable steps that pastors can take to intentionally disciple the high-capacity givers in their congregations. And it’s not “rocket science!”

There are two basic steps to begin the process…personal preparation and creating a pathway for their growth in the “grace of giving.” Future blogposts will unpack these steps in greater. Stay tuned!


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