Spring Creek Church
- Church:
- Spring Creek Church
- Location:
- Pewaukee, WI
- Attendance:
- 1,500
- Campaign Type:
- Building Expansion
- Campaign Theme:
- Love Makes Room
- Campaign Financial Commitments:
- $6.2M
Client Challenge
Spring Creek Church is a place “where people matter” – to God, to each other, and to church leaders. They matter so much that during the 30-year tenure of Senior Pastor Chip Bernhard the congregation has regularly accepted the challenge of major building expansion to accommodate more people . . . because they matter. Most recently, a new $6.0M children’s addition was proposed . . . because kids matter. However, a Pre-Campaign Assessment determined that without a seven-figure lead gift, a successful capital campaign for a $6.0M project was not likely.
CGS Response
Church leaders were reluctant to downsize the vision because the need was very real. Instead, an intentional decision was made to retain the original plan and vision and to “work hard and pray hard.” They believed that God would provide the $6.0M needed even without the potential of a seven-figure lead gift. Their CGS mentor coached leaders on using intentional strategies to gain the widest possible congregational participation.
Campaign Outcome
If there is one characteristic that defines Chip Bernhard and his team, it is “tenacious” – never say die. His experiences in college-level athletics taught him to “leave it all on the court.” And, that’s exactly what happened in their Love Makes Room capital campaign. A final effort of monumental proportions resulted in a genuine miracle – $6.2M in commitments were reported on Celebration Sunday to a congregation stunned by their own success. It was a real God moment.